Sunday, May 15, 2005

The Abyss 2

“The Infinite Abyss” ~Pascal


I am not an “infinite abyss”. Very limited abyss-wise.

I just cussed out a Capital One Tele-Matrix-Attack-Person on the phone.

I feel a little bad.

I am just grass...a vapor. The grass blows back and forth but is gone, er...later.

I am not an “infinite abyss”.

I am a mini-abyss at best.


Still this God dogs me.

God pursues for reasons I cannot fathom. Not the dead god of the Fundamentalists...but the One we all sense at times is just around the corner...spying like a gleeful parent.

Did Pascal ever consider that somewhere in God’s own nature God wants or wishes to take God’'s Own "Immutable Objectiveness" (if it exists) and utter fullness and GIVE IT in love to any who will take it?

Posted by Hello

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