Sunday, May 29, 2005

Books in a Time of Fucking Hiccups


Total number of books you've owned:

2,800 would be conservative. And I bought all of them thoughfully and usually for the lowest possible price in a used bookstore in the Bay Area. They are all in storage. I mostly watch television now or do blogging. (There are some nice ones above).

Last book you bought:
Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott. It's like my fourth copy because I keep giving them away.

Last book you read:
Maugham Malraux's the Coffeehouse Diaries.

Five books that mean a lot to you:
1. The Denial of Death by Ernest Becker. Arguably the most important book written this century which no one reads. It did win a Pulitzer Prize in 1974.
2. Love in the Western World by Denis DeRougemont.
3. The Second Coming by Walker Percy. The only love story between a man and woman in the last 500 years not based on the Romantic Myth.
4. The Precarious Vision by Peter Berger. No one has ever read this but me. It is brilliant.
5. Anything by Thomas Merton, Anders Nygren, Flannery O'Conner or, er... okay...maybe just a few works of Soren Kierkegaard. Anne Lamott is great but not dead yet. May she live to be 110.

So there you go. And thanks to Talleulah for tagging me. She is a vixen.
Posted by Hello


Obi-Mac BakDon said...

Lamott rocks. She's local you know. I saw her in the grocery store the other day but did not want to bug her.

Obi-Mac BakDon said...

I love the section she does on baseball..seeing Willie Mays out in center field "like Jesus". Her writing is amazing and she fearlessly mixes the spiritual with earthy sexuality and humor. Damn!