Monday, June 06, 2005

Pascal and the Erpy J-Man

"Jesus is the God whom we can approach without pride and before whom we can humble ourselves without despair."

I didn't say it. Pascal did. He has a Math named after him. Jesus had a, He had Pensees...Get off my back!


These days you cannot talk so much about the J-Man because of these dickheads who want to destroy the separation of Church and State and lead us into a Fundamentalist Dark Ages of their own making.

As Maugham Malraux says "And Jesus Never Stops Throwing Up".

As far as I can tell, The J-Man was into two things: Truth and Love.

Here are today's Truth and love Quotes...

1. Bono on Truth
2. Merton: The beginning of love is to let those we love be perfectly themselves, and not to twist them to fit our own image. Otherwise we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in them.
3. good to someone next to you.

More should be a regular feature. I am a Saint after all.

But back to Pascal. Pithy little guy.

Pride, humility, God, Jesus, religion and spirituality. Hmnnn...oooh and despair.

God (No Fundie), ever have thoughts on any of those?

Dr. Malraux is right when he suggests that Jesus, the J-Man has been utterly co-opted by the Fundamentalists. We do not even read the Dude anymore because we are either Stepford Folk who do not need to, or we are so disgusted that we want no part of any of it.

That's where I am at. And I am a Saint. Go figure.


So what does Pascal mean?

Part of this whole deal is for me to riff off his writings.

Pascal obviously thinks Jesus is God.

Well do about a billion others on any given day...mindfully or otherwise. So what?

It is or it is not.

But more important than the consumeristic "WWJD?" , (which by the way treats Him as dead...which is very curious for a religion that preaches resurrection) is WDJWTD?

Just What Does Jesus Want to Do?

What Does he want now?

Does Jesus want Tim LaHaye writing books of fictional fear to scare folk, or does he want love?

Guess we would have to ask the J-Man...which seems lost on these idiots.

I mean look at the insanity of it! They believe Jesus is ALIVE...yet treat Him as utterly DEAD.


If He is, resurrected...then you would pay the closest attention to Jesus's words right?


"Let's do the OTHER thing and embrace war, murder, greed, envy and every other sin but sex...and then do that anyway...but behind closed doors"

Sermon on the Mount? Apparently irrelevant. Go read it next to the Religious Right agenda and weep.

Dr. Malraux is right...Jesus wakes from the Dead long enough to have a good long look...and never stops throwing up.

More in a bit..part two.. I need a break...

Posted by Hello

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