The following is a response to Greg's post today. He had warned me in an IM that he was gonna tackle this and I am utterly taken by it. I even think the "context" of recovery from being shitfaced adds. My responses will be in italics.
Usually when I drink my ass off the night before, I get a bit more reflective than usual the next morning. I was shitfaced last night so by my very nature, I must ramble on.
I kinda think it is we are pretty in touch with mortality and our animal nature (creeeech!blah!).
I've been thinking alot about concepts. I like concepts. They are like Penthouses for mental masturbation. When I think, I try to think as if words did not exist. People often muttle around with words as entities in and of themselves, ignoring the layers and layers of reality beneath them and being represented by them. As if they were reading poetry for its face value; things get confusing. One starts asking himself, "What the fuck is the deal with that empty, cracked vase?" To me, every single word in this buckyball of a language is a fragment of a poem waiting to be analyzed.
I was criticizing "rationalism" earlier today, but it's guys like Peter Berger and Thomas Luckmann who have demonstrated that the "reality" we so often deal with as "objective" is a "linguistic construct". Or maybe to put it more poetically (you know how I love Pascal) "All the gold in the world has no value without our consent."
Therein lies the concepts. And I was thinking the other day. Well, ya know how there is a Theory of Everything in science? Because fundamentally it makes sense that complexity is constructed upon simplicity, among other reasons. That all has to do with matter, but I was wondering how this Theory of Everything applies to concepts as well. Which isn't to say that every concept stemmed from one singular concept. That wouldn't make sense. Or maybe it does. It would essentially mean however, that everything is somehow interconnected, or most likely overlapping. Duh, right? Yet what does this do to the concepts of right or wrong? If there are so many ways to view reality.
It may have little to do with "right and wrong" but simply what IS.
Is it right or wrong for people to be relational, or are they simply so?
Being that, it is possible for something to exist in our language yet not exist in an utmost sense.
Great question. Does a pink polka-dotted elephant exist in reality? No...but the idea is there. Human beings can create whole worlds with words that do not exist and never will...I think.
And many times language will set people on the wrong path. Right and wrong are a false dichotomy. It is Dubbyah-Bush-Think. They are lumper words. Someone can be wrong, yet still maintain some rightness. But the concepts themselves nudge people to polarize their view into something tidy. Such as being entirely wrong or entirely right. But that is wrong, am I not right?
This is my favorite part of your essay. Love it.
There may be dichotomies in "Truth" also Trichotomies...also Paradox and 30 other epistemologies that are inter-related.
You are right that we are currently being "Polarized" by a black and whiteness, and for economic and political (rhetorical) purposes. But are not so limited.
I have another theory I have been working on called "Depth Pluralism". It may provide not the "Answer", but a least healthy new pathways for deeper discussion. Discussions like this one.
Which isn't to say that there is no right or wrong. Bad logic is simply wrong, even if logic has its parameters. I just think this linear train of thinking has to go.
Once again I tip my cap. Relativism is a self-made trap, but so is rigid certainty. You state it well.
A linear train is helpful in some areas, but does not match up with all the avenues we now know exist and those which have yet to be discovered.
Concepts evolve, branch off, one train of thought leads to another, which leads to another, until the two paradigms of thought are unrecognizable to each other; yet the relationship between them still exists. And everything in between them is worthwhile to explore.
Are you sure you are not 57 and a Lurker?
Fuck that is good.
Rosemary Haughton wrote about this, briefly, in a little seen book way back called "The Passionate God". It was ostensibly theology, but she was doing far more.
I'll try and dig it up and send you two some relevant quotes to riff off of. But if I remember, the gist was about how ideas and concepts bump into each other and create something utterly new.
But anyways I'm gonna go take a nap because my head is pounding and I drank too much last night. But one last thing. My friend the other day got things confused and called me a nihilist. Far from it. While nihilist say we cannot know, I say that's not the only way to know. The problem is, once we think we know, we stop looking. What ever happened to being like a child?
Good luck recovering...yikes...you are no Nihilist. You are seeking with intelligence and heart and the last line is a thing of beauty. Forget the "Fundies" ...Jesus would grin and say you got it.
I look forward to future discussions.

I'm so out of my league with you and Greg. I don't read up on this stuff, don't really like non-fiction. For me this is more about character study and situational study which helps me with the fiction. Guess it's time to post again soon, though... and I'm glad you're excited about it. Someone needs to be.
As far as your boob post... yeah. I have a smaller chest and sometimes, yeah, I want more. But the other night I was the only braless chic at the pub and it rocked.
Good for you sistah! (er, rocking)
And you are NOT out of your league. Come at this from your own bent/angle. That's the beauty!
I'll dance with Sex anytime.
likewise, maugham.
Sex, there's a funny little "phenomena" I experience with the more flat chested women of thise world. I've been with one fairly flat chested woman and I found that, since I wanted her breasts to be bigger, that mere desire was a turnon. Which sorta sounds good and bad at the same time, but small breasts definately do not detract. For me.
Maug, thank you very much for the comments and criticisms. I must read what else you have to say, especially the depth pluralism. And I really like that line from pascal, but wasn't he the one that put out that silly wager?
"Relativism is a self-made trap, but so is rigid certainty."
So true so true. So what's the solution?
To Sex, then I am sure we will dance often.
To Greg,
Yes, he was the one who did the wager, and I agree it is silly. I'm sure not in his time, but it does appear, to me, to be silly now.
On riding the line between relativism and certainty..I would actually quote you.
In your post you did not go black and white...you neither hide behind relativism, nor did you deny that certainty can be just as problematic.
Of course I do not have the answer. I have guesses.
First, that either position is a loser to begin with. Perhaps, in fact, we are not asking the right questions?
Maybe the question is not relative Truth or absolute surety. Perhaps the real issues are other?
I do know this (he said with some ironic surety) neither hold water and many us us need a good cold amd pure drink.
All for tonight. I wanna sleep on your questions Greg...and maybe dance with Sex in my dreams.
And Maug - yeah, if you aren't finding the right answers you're not asking the right questions. I agree. It's the bitch of the thing, isn't it?
a ménage à trois of philosphical flirting. I love it.
thx for the link, btw, mac. And, out of curiosity, how did you find me?
I have a draw towards those who have significant talent. I am not sure how I always find them. I honestly do not know if I found you or Greg first..but both in very quick order.
I deeply appreciate you both. and from the start.
I think I found you first as (blush) I tend toward women writers. (No Boutros)
But in my own defense, I recognized Greg's giftedness immediately (no Homo).
Oh do checkout Maugham's latest post on the Jackson trial results.
Ass sailed a pizza box off my head.
I'm all flushed and a flutter...
:) thanks.
Well given my current mood I would be all over your fresh flutter with all sweetness and the flush you with all my wonderful being.
Consider yourself ravished my dear Sex.
Wow I thought Sex spotted YOU out. As she's typically bloghopping. You discovered her first though, I'm certain. And i'm damn well glad ya did.
Me too Greg. She's quite a find.
Interesting thought from I am Me.
"...i do believe in absolute truth, i just don't think it is a set determined way. People have it all nicely defined and characterized that absolute truth has lost its mystery. I see it as multifaceted. I know it sounds odd with words but, there is a truth that is immovable, however the way in which truth is found is multifacted. Hmmmm best i can explain it."
That's pretty good. The idea of mystery is lost on a lot of people. But I think it matters (No Irony intended).
Well, i have to admit, every second is a mystery to me these days. Not sure what to make of it but mysteries are indeed interesting.
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