Betty Blue
Regular reader and contributer "Grace" says this...
Hopefully when you are all rested, you will write us how the loves all work, twirl and dance together.
I have already added "Humility" to the mix. A humility that is not the least bit averse or shy of the animal lust, desire, friendship, family-closeness or even the love of God in all its mysterious ways.
It's a humility born out of basic animality.
We are "angels in armor". Do the math anyway you like, but we are godlike and doglike all at once.
I do not wish to be flippant but I just wanna make the point.
Others have done so more eloquently than I ever could.
Jonathan Swift wrote about the discrepancy between his ideal depiction of his lover and the fact that she was also just an animal.
"Oh how I nearly lost my wits,
oh Calea, Calea Calea shits."
We are godlike and doglike.
In Betty Blue, the film opens with two actors having real sex on camera.
It is not porno, which makes it all the more sexy and, for many people, one of the sexiest scenes in cinema.
Relationship, and the loves overlapping, and washing over each other as the loves do.
Porno is never about love. It's just about pounding well-sculpted flesh. It's boring and leads to impotence.
I am no moralist.
It just is what it isn't.
So Grace wants to know how the five loves (and that is just one paradigm) dance and twirl and wash over each other.
Who wouldn't?
[Okay, I'll give you my best guess, and that is all it is and you f-ing lurkers could chime in anytime and ask questions, comment and get off the fucking bench]
We all want an answer to this question.
One factor is unrepression. Let's admit what we are and what we want.
In the Bible (yeah I'm gonna go there) God created Humanity in God's own image...Male and Female.
Note that. The glory of God is reflected "male and female" if you buy into that grand myth.
Various loves, various sexes that are co-drawn, various Dieties who exist in some kinda Threesome.
And it's all about Love.
Thank you for answering. And i do like the humility addition. It kinda brings a more tenderness with the loves.
I was always one who started from the spiritual and work down to venus. That is just me though.
There is something about meeting in the spirit and then realizing the other loves along the way. Then they all come together as one in a very intimate manner.
I really saw it as dancing, the various loves are like steps in a dance. In a relationship between a man and a woman all the loves are needed in which there are like rolling waves intertwining which brings intimatness (is that a word?) Then venus love is the pinnacle, then you get to start the dance again!
at least it is my experience.
I do agree it all comes from God bestowing on us his image in which we discover who he is in the dance too!
with all those things together it is overwhelmingly breath taking!
Ok that is just my 2 cents.
It is a good discussion and one that every male and female who has ever 'danced' can contribute, don't know why they act like mice.
i love how you keep saying that male and female are images of the glory of god and such . . . its so perfect.
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