Thursday, October 27, 2005

Sex & Love 4

Biology is biology and it rarely lies.

Woody Allen says this in Annie Hall "yes, but the body does not lie" as he tries to take off her brassiere.

She shucks and shirks him off (Janet Margolin) and says "My God Alvy what would people think!?"

This is what males go through.

WE are half the PEOPLE.

This is what we think. And we do not wish to think badly. We are basically many of us. Really good.

We just want you. That is all.

We do not care what people think (because half of them are us and agree with us).

We just want you. And if you would wise up and want us back we would not be the pricks we are and would not whore after other women and be tempted and all manner of other things that you complain about.


We would just love you and desire you.

(I may be a Saint, but I have my dark frustrated side).

Posted by Hello


kotamaris said...

I have that shirt in three different colors.

Obi-Mac BakDon said...

yeah...I know.

kotamaris said...

by the way, you're tagged! Happy now?