Well after I lost out to Spongebob I was really depressed. I even yelled out the door of the bedroom "I cannot believe I am losing out to a cartoon character!"
But Mr. Krabs was barking out orders to Squidward on the TV (we have surround sound) so all she heard was a muffled "To gofba belfiore Ma ta chunka boorna ganhripple!"
Which she promptly disregarded.
So I just lay there in utter defeat hoping that my depression would drift into the silence that is sleep.
Which it eventually did until she came in and reminded me we had a party to go to and I had 15 minutes to get ready.
"I'm not going," I said hugging the pillows tight.
"Because I am miserable, depressed and I don't want to see people," I said selfishly.
Later I would realize this was a variation of an earlier story for it had the same cadence... the same "ring" to it.
In that story I was 17 years old and sitting in my 63 Impala outside my semi-girlfriend's house. She was telling me to leave and she was angry. I said I was not leaving. She angrily shouted "You are behaving like a baby!"
I began to bang on my little 12 inch pimp steering wheel (I had a low-rider, but that's another story) and yell "I am not a baby, I am not a baby!"
At which point we both stopped...there was silence....then both burst into hysterical laughter.
We "sensitive" men are such the babies.
30 years later I am still a baby.
So she left for the party without me.
One thing I always note about her is she is truly WSIWYG. She threw no fit, did not try and manipulate me in any way to get her way. She just let me know she was honestly disappointed and said "You'll be missed" and left.
I was still hurt/pissed/depressed after she left. They all kinda run together when it comes to these types of things. I'm not an angry man so I tend toward the hurt/depressed angle with some residual passive aggressive expressions.
Like not going.
She came back in the door 40 minutes later.
This I had not expected.
We talked. I have some pretty glaring faults but not listening, caring or being harsh are not among them. There were tears and consolation and then more talk.
Later we were laughing in the bed, and then not laughing as her beautiful hair came down on my face and I grabbed her ass and we moved the bed a good three feet away from the wall by the time we were done.
Spongebob can kiss my ass.
Now I know what some of you are thinking.
Perhaps that I manipulated the situation?
I didn't.
It's like Bono's line off the recent album.
For love and faith and sex and fear.
And all the things that keep us here
In the mysterious distance
Between a man and a woman
There is a "mysterious distance" that exists between a man and a woman. Two ways of being, two angles of approach. Add to that family histories, past mistakes and all the mysteries of human existence that present themselves on a regular basis, and that is what makes up the bulk of that "mysterious distance".
Still it is worth doing. Love is worth doing.
Maybe in light of the above issues...love, faith, sex, and fear, we could add another one.
Maybe, along with love, faith, sex and fear, humility is what bridges the mysterious gap between a man and a woman.

Okay... I'm reading, friend... and so far... this all is not helping me feel less alone. :)
i think you are right. humility is key.
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