Monday, October 24, 2005

Sex & Love Part 7

"All you need is love" ~ John Lennon


Ghandi said the same thing as did Jesus. Everyone knows it is pretty much about love. The love of a man and woman, or of any two people, the pack or posse you run with, the love for money or cars or hobbies, or movies or food, or friends, or family, or God or a million others things.

At the core we are relational beings. If we do not receive relationship and touch as infants we flat out die even if we have food and water. We were, most of us, spawned in some version of love, even if it was lust.

All our loves are a scramble and they cross over each other like the damned Oakland freeway where it is actually true that there are places "you cannot get to from here".

Which is a fitting metaphor because some loves "get there from here" and some don't.

We all have experienced that.

Some dead-end. Actually a lot of them do. Some collapse under their own weight like those same Oakland freeways did in the earthquake.

Even though I was in Sacramento getting ready to watch my beloved Giants get dispatched by the Oakland A's, being from the Bay Area I remember screaming at the screen as they showed pictures in Oakland because I knew what every local did and the national media did not.

There were PEOPLE under that freeway. People who were already dead, crushed, or dying.

How could they not know? How could a national media machine not plainly see that it was a tiered freeway that had utterly collapsed?

Fuck. For the love of God, why could they not see?

And where was the love of God that day anyway?

Where is God when the walls come down?


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tabitha jane said...

where is the love of god when the walls fall down? no one has answered this question sufficiently for me.

rebecca marie said...

god is still there... still loving man.

i read a quote recently, and i wish i remembered where so i could give credit;

"one death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic."

that's not gods doing. that is mans doing.

he cares about each and every one of us. we as humans decided to take away the personal touch.